What People Say
I love hearing from people who have chosen to buy a piece of my art. It is such a wonderful feeling when my art connects with someone, and they chose it for their home, or as a gift. The comments I have received below give an idea of the many different reasons people have for choosing my work, and what it means to them.
Some people speak of the feelings their new painting evokes:
Some collectors have purchased paintings as a gift, to celebrate a special occasion, to remind themselves of a special place, or to start off or add to their collection of original art. Others just buy a piece because it resonates with them and they love it:
“I absolutely LOVE the painting, which is now looking rather handsome in my kitchen/garden room” - NF
“It's arrived! Thank you for the lovely card. The painting is a delight. I shall enjoy it tremendously.” - DP
“Very happy with the painting! I’m sure I’ll collect a few more in good time.” - JC
“I'm so excited to receive it, we've bought it using some money we received as a wedding present. Your paintings are gorgeous and remind me of the countryside near my parents...”- BM
Whatever reason you have for buying my work I am truly grateful for your support and interest in my art – it really does mean so much – thank you.